Thursday, May 26, 2022

Memorial Day Weekend at Holiday Hills RV Park in Coalville, UTAH

It's official the start of the RVing and Camping summer season here at Holiday Hills RV Park. I was in hopes that our new business cards would be here by now to hand out to our guest. But sadly they are not.

We absolutely love connecting with other full-time RVers. Surprisingly enough we haven't met many since being in Coalville. 80% are weekend campers, 10% long term and 10% here for summer work. 

Weeknd Campers are great - they are here for that vacation mode of their stay here with us. Those are the ones who laugh the most and make it a point to let the rv park host know how much they are appreciated (it's great being on that end). 

Workers - they are so flipping tired by the time they get back to their RV's that we keep our space to give them less to have to deal with.

Long Terms - ummmmmmmmm.... Trying to be nice BUT, they tend to be territorial about the park. They forget that it's an RV park and 90% about being on vacation. I have to bite my tongue a lot. Barking at someone for having fun, it's just WRONG. Mark is great at making things peaceful. Thankfully it hasn't been too big of an issue. It's about education and  friendly reminders and examples of how you should be treating people. 

Dogs - I don't want one. It's not fun hearing the dogs bark when owners are gone for a big chunk of the day. FOLKS, hire a dog sitter. There is a kid in that town who could use a couple of dollars and lord knows I'll do it if it helps them to quiet down. I'd love a few extra bucks too! I have a RV wish list longer than my arm with an additional list of FIX ME UP NOW longer than my leg. 

Well, enough for today! Mark is out there checking RV's all day long and watering the grass as fast as he can to keep the GREEN going. Here are some fun pictures with our video of the day.


The video is just a snippet of what needs to be done. I'm scared to share the complete list with you. But it's baby steps we are taking. It's my job to worry about the finances and scheduling the time to get these millions of items done. RV maintenance can be a scary word but it truly isn't. It's just in our case, we live on a tight budget so that we can volunteer 6 months out of the year and be able to eat/and pay bills during this time. To end this post, we are Living Our Best Life. No regrets and it's been truly a blessing. Just trying to fine tune some areas.  

RVing this weekend? Travel safe, make lots of memories, and please partake in the services being provided in the town you are visiting, to honor all that have served in that area. Do you part and help the town out but represent our giving hearts as full time RV folk. Donate, your time, your food/items/ or money to the food banks or those agencies that are hurting. And take lots of pictures. 

Look at all of those dandelions 

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Mules in walking distance 

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