Saturday, November 26, 2022

My Special Christmas Adventure read by ME Gone RVing Adventures Mark

A Christmas Book read by Mark of ME Gone RVing Adventures. And we are giving this book away. This Christmas book is written by Julia Wilson & Margaret Gibson and Illustrated by Ester Kasepuu. We are reading a book a night and then giving that book away for FREE as our way of giving back this season until Christmas Eve. To find all the locations of our various placements for our reading/videos. We can't thank you enough for following along and supporting this channel. It's been a lot of fun. It's been awhile since doing a video, but it's only because of our new location. We are in Utah for the winter and we absolutely love it. We hope you enjoyed and give this a thumbs up. We take tips for COFFEE...

Audible for the RV

My Special Christmas Adventure read by ME Gone RVing Adventures Mark

A Christmas Book read by Mark of ME Gone RVing Adventures. And we are giving this book away. This Christmas book is written by Julia Wilson ...

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