Privacy Policy



Information presented on is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. We love RVing and we love sharing our stories with you, so we hope you enjoy them and maybe learn a little something too.

Advertisers, commenters, and linked sites are solely responsible for their views and content – which do not necessarily represent our views.

We like to share information about products and services we use. Sometimes these posts will have affiliate links in them, so we get a commission for telling you about them. We only recommend products we’ve used and love, because otherwise they wouldn’t be worth sharing.

Photos and videos on our website are our own unless otherwise stated. These photos and videos may not be reproduced, copied, distributed or used elsewhere without our permission. Then we get all upset and have to send you an angry email to stop using our stuff, so let’s just avoid that.


This website collects information in two main ways:

  1. When you leave a comment, fill out of a form, or join our email list, we will collect the information you share (typically just your name and your email address).
  2. The information that’s collected automatically by third-party partners we use to power this site, like Google Analytics or WordPress. Information may include your location, IP address, and browser type. Third-party partners only give summaries of this type of information, so it is never identifiable specifically to you. This information is used to help us have a better idea of what type of people visit our website and help us create content that our readers will enjoy.


If you have any questions about the information we collect on this site, please email us at

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A Christmas Book read by Mark of ME Gone RVing Adventures. And we are giving this book away. This Christmas book is written by Julia Wilson ...

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