Do you like traveling by RV? This last year, a family of 3, a Dad, a Mom, and a Daughter all trekked through the traveling howling winds and blinding weather with plenty of good ole fashion traffic jams. The goal: to hopefully find some major adventures. After one year of crushing successes of ups and downs, this family of 3 have developed a wealth of knowledge of the biggest RV secrets of all for their lives! This family is here to tell their story. In this article, I'll tell you all about it.
A little back story of how we come to meet this ClassCfor3 rving family. It's from a little town called Quartzsite (yup, I went and said it). Quartzsite, Arizona is a great destination for the experience. Every creature makes their way there at one time or another in their lifetime. Millionaires, middle class, struggling class, those that don't have any class, and those that just love life on the road. We have met them all.
We learn from our mistakes (at least we hope too). And this family has seen us make a ton of them, and yet, being the true wonderful example of friends, still accept us and love us for who we are. But enough about us, this is all about them.
I sat and thought about some great questions to introduce them as our Friday RV Guest. We hope you enjoy their answers and reach out to them to include them in your RV wealth of friends - for us they are SOLID GOLD!!
Who are you? And where do you hail from? Do you travel with any pets?
~Dad, but we'll call him by his given name Ron
~Mom, and I am Denise
~Our Daughter is, Cinn
~We hail from the great state of Washington in a town called Ellenburg and we would never travel without our Heidi, she's a white Chiweenie, (you'll see her in a number of our TikTok videos) - Check this one out DINNER IN A CASTLE
What is the name of your RV and why in the world did you pick it?
~Boondoggle, ummm not sure but based on the boondocking and on the fact of how old she is. (we all know how sensitive it is to ask a female her age, so that applied here too lol)
How long has this wonderful family been traveling in Boondoggle?
~Wow, it's been a year already. Our departure day was July 2, 2021 that makes me proud, because the adventures we find ourselves in are more than the days in a year!!
How long were you on the road before you had your first breakdown with Boondoggle?
~Mt Hood, Oregon on a trailhead, 20 miles south of the town of Hood River. My husband Ron had to ride his bike into town to get a solenoid and I was able to triangulate a messenger boy to give him a ride back for $70 :) #PraiseBEEEEE our AAA ended up not having been activated by our insurance agent, Melissa :(
Do you prefer Boondocking or Paid Camping? And Why?
~Boondocking for sure but we do appreciate RV paid Parks for our TV watching, Showers and Laundry. We do about a day of park for every 5 days of boondocking. This allows us to save money for more on the road travel experiences.
Is RVing everything you envisioned it to be?
~Yes, Yes, Yes... That's 3 yes from each member... That's a major win-win-win!!
What is your Favorite Campsite Location. And your favorite Restaurant?
~Without hesitation so far it has to be Dougan Falls BLM Campground located in Washington State is our favorite campground, and our favorite RV Park to date would have to be in Arco, Idaho. It is an interesting place. FREE power site for travelers with some strict rules because his dog has food allergies. Our daughter has severe food allergies, so it really touched our hearts leaving a deep respect for this RV park. ~Favorite Restaurants? We all each have our own answer for this question.
Ron is The Panda Express
Cinn and I both love Subway #nom-nom-nom
We would love to ask you all so many more questions but we want the fans that find you on the road, to be able to ask you in person what questions they may have that we didn't get to go over here. So probably the most important question would be geared to all the newbies of the road.
What is the BEST advice to pass on to the Newbies of road that you didn't know about until you were faced with it?
~Pick up where you go, worry only about yourself and not how crappy other travelers might be, and try to find a SLOW pace in Life. (I have to say I had to read this twice because I never want to forget this piece of advice - it's so true. It's the biggest lesson Mark and I learned while we were in Quartzsite)
Here are all of their Social Media Sites you can follow and reach out to them at:
If you would like to be a Friday Guest Feature - email we do this for FREE to show support for our fellow RV full time Travelers.
If you are a FAN, Family, Friend of ClassCfor3 please consider sharing this post on your personal twitter, facebook, pinterest, by doing this you are helping this wonderful brand their adventures. Please be sure to check out their Facebook Reels to help them earn more adventure money - gas can be a beast on the RV travelers. Or you can make a donation directly to their venmo @ClassCfor3